WinZip Command Line

You to control and configure WinZip directly from the command prompt.


WinZip Command Line is a program that allows you to control and configure WinZip directly from the command prompt.

It lets you use WinZip directly from the command prompt and from batch (BAT) files and script languages, making it ideal for automating repetitive tasks.

This program received 2 awards
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Rick 12 years ago

This package allows the user to vastly extend what can be done with this archiving program. I use it to automatically add comments as I create zips, make backups etc

Rick 12 years ago

This package allows the user to vastly extend what can be done with this archiving program. I use it to automatically add comments as I create zips, make backups, etc.

Guest 15 years ago

Great FREE add-on for running batch utilities

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